Nuprl Lemma : qinv_wf 11,40

r:rationals. ((qeq(r; 0)))  (qinv(r rationals) 

Definitionsqeq(rs), P  Q, P  Q, P  Q, A, nequal(Tab), ff, if b then t else f fi , qinv(r), tt, int_nzero, b-union(AB), rationals, t  T, P  Q, x:AB(x), trans(Tx,y.E(x;y)), equiv_rel(Tx,y.E(x;y)), False, prop{i:l}, , subtype(ST)
Lemmasint inc rationals, qeq-wf, not wf, assert of eq int, eq int wf, qeq-equiv, assert wf, eqtt to assert, nequal wf, neg assert of eq int, int nzero wf, ifthenelse wf, bfalse wf, btrue wf, qeq wf, bool wf, rationals wf
